
par Antoine Capet


[L'ordre alphabétique suivi est celui des personnalités, non celui des auteurs]


- Wheeler-Bennett, (Sir) John. John Anderson, Viscount Waverley. Londres : Macmillan, 1962.
- Harris, Kenneth. Attlee. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982.
- Burridge, Trevor. Clement Attlee : A Political Biography. Londres : Cape, 1985.
- Harewood, (Lady) Felicity. "Clem, Father and Politician". The Third Attlee Memorial Lecture. The Attlee Foundation, 20 février 1985.
- Mendelson, Edward. The English Auden. Londres : Faber, 1977.
- Young, G.M. Stanley Baldwin. Londres : Hart-Davis, 1952.
- Baldwin, A.W. My Father : The True Story. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1955.
- Middlemas, Keith & Barnes, John. Baldwin : A Biography. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969.
- Driberg, Tom. Beaverbrook - A Study in Power and Frustration. Londres, 1956.
- Howard, Peter. Beaverbrook : A Study of Max the Unknown. Londres, 1964.
- Wood, Alan. The True History of Lord Beaverbrook. Londres, 1965.
- Farrer, David. G - for God Almighty : A Personal Memoir of Lord Beaverbrook. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969.

- Taylor, A.J.P. Beaverbrook. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1972 [B°].
- Abel, Deryck. Ernest Benn, Counsel for Liberty. Londres : Benn, 1960.
- Foot, Michael. Aneurin Bevan. 2 vol. (vol.1 : 1897-1945. Londres : Macgibbon & Kee,1962. Vol.2 : 1945-1960. Londres : Davis-Poynter, 1973.)
- Campbell, John. Nye Bevan and the Mirage of British Socialism. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987.
- Beveridge, (Lady) Janet. Beveridge and his Plan. Londres : Hodder & Stoughton, 1954.
- Harris, José. William Beveridge. Oxford : University Press, 1977 [B°].
- Evans, Trevor. Bevin. Londres : Allen & Unwin, 1946.
- Williams, Francis. Ernest Bevin. Londres : Hutchinson, 1952.
- Bullock, Alan. The Life and Times of Ernest Bevin. 3 vol. (vol. 1 : 1881-1940 ; vol. 2 : 1940-1945 ; vol. 3 : 1945-1951. Londres : Heinemann, 1960-83.)
- Stephens, Mark. A Portrait of Ernest Bevin. Londres : TGWU, 1981.
- James, Roger Rhodes. Bob Boothby : A Portrait. Londres : Hodder & Stoughton, 1991.
- Boyle, A. "Poor Dear Brendan" : The Quest for Brendan Bracken. Londres : Hutchinson, 1974.
- Lysaght, Charles Edward. Brendan Bracken. Londres, 1979.
- Berry, Paul & Bostridge, Mark. Vera Brittain : A Life. Londres : Pimlico, 1996.
- White, Eric Walter. Benjamin Britten. Londres : Faber, 1948 (Réédition augmentée, 1983). [Chapitre IV : "In Wartime England".]
- Boyd, Francis. R.A. Butler. Londres, 1956.
- Harris, Ralph. [R.A. Butler] Politics without Prejudice. Londres : Staples Press, 1956.
- Sparrow, Gerald. [R.A. Butler] R.A.B. Londres : Odhams, 1965.
- Feiling, Keith. The Life of Neville Chamberlain. Londres : Macmillan, 1946.
- Macleod, Iain. Neville Chamberlain. Londres : Muller, 1961.
- Dilks, David. Neville Chamberlain, vol.1. Londres, 1984.
- Harrod, Roy F. The Prof. A Personal Memoir of Lord Cherwell. Londres, 1959.
- Birkenhead, the Earl of. The Prof in Two Worlds - The Official Life of Professor F.A. Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell. Londres, 1984.
- Soames, Mary. Clementine Churchill. Londres, 1981.
- Berlin, I. Mr Churchill in 1940. Londres, s.d.
- Bonham Carter (Lady Violet). Winston Churchill As I Knew Him. Londres, 1965.
- Moran, Lord. Winston Churchill - The Struggle for Survival 1940-1965. Londres, 1966.
- Gardner, Brian. Churchill in his Time. Londres : Methuen, 1968.
- James, Robert Rhodes. Churchill : A Study in Failure 1900-1939. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970.
- Lewin, R. Churchill as Warlord. Londres, 1972.
- Pelling, Henry. Winston Churchill. Londres : Macmillan, 1974.
- Barker, Elisabeth. Churchill and Eden at War. Londres, 1978.
- Gilbert, Martin. Winston Churchill. Londres : Heinemann, 1980-1988 [B°].
vol. 5 : Prophet of Truth, 1922-1939
vol. 6 : Finest Hour, 1939-1941
vol. 7 : Road to Victory, 1941-1945
vol. 8 : Never Despair, 1945-1965 [éclairages inédits sur la campagne électorale de 1945]
- Gilbert, Martin. Churchill : A Photographic Portrait. Londres : Penguin/Heinemann, 1974. [Contient de nombreuses photographies et caricatures intéressantes et peu connues de la période de guerre.]
- Manchester, William. Winston Spencer Churchill. 3 vol. New York : Little, Brown, 1984.
- Wheeler-Bennett (Editor). Action This Day : Working with Churchill. Londres, 1988.
- Addison, Paul. Churchill on the Home Front. Londres : Cape, 1992 [B°].
- Blake, Robert & Louis, William Roger (Editors). Churchill. Oxford : University Press, 1993.-Charmley, John. Churchill : The End of Glory - A Political Biography. Londres : Hodder & Stoughton, 1993. [B°]
- Lawlor, Sheila. Churchill and the Politics of War, 1940-1941. Cambridge : University Press, 1994. [B°]
- Charmley, John. Duff Cooper : The Authorised Biography. Londres, 1986.
- Estorick, Eric. Stafford Cripps. Londres, 1949.
- Cooke, Colin. The Life of Richard Stafford Cripps. Londres : Hodder & Stoughton, 1957.


- Pimlott, Ben. Hugh Dalton. Londres : Macmillan, 1985.
- Wrench, (Sir) Evelyn. Geoffrey Dawson and Our Times. Londres : Hutchinson, 1955.
- Aster, Sidney. Anthony Eden. Londres, 1976.
- Carlton, David. Anthony Eden : A Biography. Londres, 1981.
- Peters, A.R. Anthony Eden at the Foreign Office 1931-1938. Aldershot, 1986.
- Rhodes James, Robert. Anthony Eden. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1986.
- Mackenzie, Compton. The Windsor Tapestry - Being a Study of the Life, Inheritance and Abdication of H.R.H. the Duke of Windsor. Londres : Rich & Cowan, 1938.
- Beaverbrook (Lord). The Abdication of King Edward VIII. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1966.
- Hibbert, Christopher. Edward - The Uncrowned King. Londres, 1972.
- Donaldson, Frances. Edward VIII. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974.
- Ziegler, Philip. King Edward VIII. Londres : Collins, 1990.
- 0'Halpin, E. Head of the Civil Service : A Study of Sir Warren Fisher. Londres : Routledge, 1989.
- Dudley Edwards, Ruth. Victor Gollancz : A Biography. Londres : Gollancz, 1987.
- Wheeler-Bennett (Sir) John. George VI. Londres : Macmillan, 1958.
- Middlemas, Keith. The Life and Times of George VI. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1974.
- Judd, Denis. George VI, 1895-1952. Londres : Michael Joseph, 1982.
- Howarth, Patrick. George VI - A New Biography. Londres : Hutchinson, 1987.
- Bradford, Sarah. King George VI. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1989.
- Birkenhead, Earl of. The Life of Lord Halifax. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1965.
- Roberts, Andrew. The Holy Fox. A Biography of Lord Halifax. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1991.
- Saward, D. Bomber Harris. Londres, 1984.
- Cross, J.A. Sir Samuel Hoare : A Political Biography. Londres, 1977.
- Harrod, Roy. The Life of John Maynard Keynes. Londres : Macmillan, 1951.
- Harris, S.E. John Maynard Keynes. New York : Scribner, 1955.
- Robinson, E.A.G. John Maynard Keynes : Economist, Author, Statesman. Londres : British Academy, 1971.
- Keynes, Milo (Editor). Essays on John Maynard Keynes. Cambridge : University Press, 1975.
- Moggridge, D.E. Keynes. Londres, 1976.
- Crabtree, D. & Thirlwall, A.P. (Editors). Keynes and the Bloomsbury Group. Londres : Macmillan, 1983.
- Hession, C.H. John Maynard Keynes : A Personal Biography of the Man who revolutionized Capitalism and the Way we live. New York : Macmillan, 1983.
- Middleton, R. Towards the Managed Economy : Keynes, the Treasury and the Fiscal Policy Debate of the 1930s. Londres : Methuen, 1985.
- Fitzgibbons, A. Keynes's Vision : A New Political Economy. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1988.
- Hilliard, J. (Editor). J.M. Keynes in Retrospect : The Legacy of the Keynesian Revolution. Aldershot : Edward Elgar, 1988.
- Peden, G.C. Keynes, the Treasury and British Economic Policy. Londres : Macmillan, 1988.
- 0'Donnell, R.M. Keynes : Philosophy, Economics and Politics - The Philosophical Foundations of Keynes's Thought and their Influence on his Economics and Politics. Londres : Macmillan, 1989.
- Skidelsky, R. J.M. Keynes : The Economist as Saviour. Londres : Macmillan, 1992.
- Moggridge, D.E. Maynard Keynes - An Economist's Biography. Londres : Routledge, 1995 [B°].
- Martin, Kingsley. Harold Laski (1893-1950) : A Biographical Memoir. Londres : Gollancz, 1953.
- Jones,Thomas. Lloyd George. Oxford : University Press, 1951.
- Taylor, A.J.P. (Editor). Lloyd George : Twelve Essays. Londres, 1971.
- Rowland, P. Lloyd George. Londres : Barrie & Jenkins, 1975.
- Campbell, J. Lloyd George - The Goat in the Wilderness, 1922-1931. Londres : Cape, 1977.
- Pugh, M. Lloyd George. Londres, 1988.
-Marquand, David. Ramsay MacDonald. Londres : Cape, 1977.
- Fisher, Nigel. Iain Macleod. Londres : André Deutsch, 1973.
- Horne, Alistair. Macmillan. The Official Biography.Vol.1 : 1894-1957. Londres : Macmillan, 1988.
- Bilainkin, George. Maisky. Londres, 1944.
- Rolph, C.H. Kingsley [Martin]. Londres : Gollancz, 1973.
- Lewin, R. Montgomery as Military Commander. Londres, 1971.
- Hamilton, N. Monty. 3 vol. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1981-86.
- Horne, A. & Montgomery, D. The Lonely Leader : Monty 1944-45. Londres, 1994.
- Donoughue, Bernard & Jones, G.W. Herbert Morrison : Portrait of a Politician. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973.
- Skidelsky, Robert. Oswald Mosley. Londres : Macmillan, 1975.
- Mosley, N. Beyond the Pale : Sir Oswald Mosley 1933-80. Londres, 1983.
- Hough, R. Mountbatten : Hero of our Time. Londres, 1980.
- Ziegler, Philip. Mountbatten. Londres, 1985.


- Lees-Milne, J. Harold Nicolson : A Biography, 1930-68. Londres, 1981.
- Clay, (Sir) Henry. Lord Norman. Londres : Macmillan, 1957.
- Boyle, Andrew. Montagu Norman. Londres : Cassell, 1967.
- Crick, Bernard. George Orwell : A Life. Londres : Secker & Warburg, 1980. [B°]
- Brome, Vincent. J.B. Priestley. Londres : Hamish Hamilton, 1988.
- Boyle, A. Only The Wind Will Listen : Reith of the BBC. Londres : Hutchinson, 1972.
- McIntyre, I. The Expense of Glory : A Life of John Reith. Londres : HarperCollins, 1993.
- Bowle, John. Viscount Samuel. Londres : Gollancz, 1957.
- Wasserstein, B. Herbert Samuel : A Political Life. Londres, 1992.
- Thorpe, D.R. Selwyn Lloyd. Londres : Cape, 1989.
- Cross, Colin. Philip Snowden. Londres : Barrie & Rockcliff, 1966.
- Baker, (Canon) A.E. William Temple and his Message. Londres : Penguin, 1946.
- Iremonger, F.A. William Temple. Oxford : University Press, 1948.
- Craig, R. Social Concern in the Thought of William Temple. Londres : Gollancz, 1963.
- Kent, John. William Temple - Church, State and Society in Britain 1880-1950. Cambridge : University Press, 1992. [B°]
- Rose, Norman. Vansittart :Study of a Diplomat. Londres, 1978.
- Coren, Michael. The Invisible Man : The Life and Liberties of H.G. Wells. Londres : Bloomsbury, 1993.
- Vernon, Betty D. Ellen Wilkinson 1891-1947. Londres : Croom Helm, 1981.
- Pimlott, Ben. Harold Wilson. Londres : HarperCollins, 1993.
- Ziegler, Philip. Wilson - The Authorised Life. Londres : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1993.

dernière mise à jour 19/02/04

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