Archives des protagonistes déposées auprès d'institutions ouvertes au public
par Antoine capet
Pour les archives des hommes de gouvernement, partir de l'excellent répertoire rédigé par Hazlehurst, Cameron et Woodland, Christine. A Guide to the Papers of British Cabinet Ministers. Londres : Royal Historical Society, 1974. Il indique même les heures d'ouverture des bibliothèques ! Parmi les noms les plus connus, on pourra retenir :
- Nancy, Viscountess ASTOR Papers (READING University Library, PO Box 217, Reading RG6 2AH)
- Waldorf, Viscount ASTOR Papers (READING University Library)
- Clement, Earl ATTLEE Papers (Bodleian Library, OXFORD OXJ1 2JD & Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE CB2 ITN)
- Lord AVON [Anthony Eden] Papers (Birmingham University Library)
- Lord BALDWIN of Bewdley [Stanley Baldwin] Papers (Cambridge University Library)
- Lord BEAVERBROOK Papers (House of Lords Record Office, LONDRES SW1A OPW)
- William, Lord BEVERIDGE Papers (LONDON School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC 2A 2AE)
- Ernest BEVIN Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- R.A. BUTLER Papers (Trinity College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Sir Alexander CADOGAN Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGEdge)
- Neville CHAMBERLAIN Papers (BIRMINGHAM University Library, Edgbaston, BI5 2TT)
- Oliver, Lord CHANDOS [Oliver Lyttleton] Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Lord CHERWELL [F.A. Lindemann] Papers (Nuffield College, OXFORD)
- Duff COOPER Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Stafford CRIPPS Papers (Nuffield College, OXFORD)
- Hugh DALTON Diary (British Library of Political and Economic Science, LONDRES) [cf. L.S.E.]
- Clement DAVIES Papers (National Library of Wales, ABERYSTWYTH, Dyfed SY23 3BU )
- Arthur GREENWOOD Papers (Bodleian Library, OXFORD)
- James GRIFFITHS Papers (National Library of Wales, ABERYSTWYTH)
- Lord HANKEY Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Sir Patrick HANNON Papers (House of Lords Record Office, LONDRES)
- Sir Cuthbert HEADLAM Diary (DURHAM Public Record Office)
- Hickleton [Viscount HALIFAX] Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Leslie HORE-BELISHA Diary (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- John Maynard KEYNES Papers (King's College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Sir Basil LIDDELL-HART Papers (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, LONDRES)
- David, Earl LLOYD GEORGE of Dwyfor Papers (House of Lords Record Office, LONDRES)
- Harold, Lord MACMILLAN Archives (British Library, LONDRES)
- David, Viscount MARGESSON Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Sir Harold NICOLSON Diaries (Balliol College, OXFORD) [Texte "non expurgé", contrairement à la version publiée par son fils]
- Alfred, Lord NORTHCLIFFE [A.Harmsworth] Papers (British Library, LONDRES, 96 Euston Road, London NW1 2DB)
- Walter RUNCIMAN Papers (University of NEWCASTLE Library, Ellison Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8ST)
- John, Viscount SIMON Papers (Bodleian Library, OXFORD)
- Samuel, Viscount TEMPLEWOOD [Sir Samuel Hoare] Papers (CAMBRIDGE University Library)
- Sir Robert VANSITTART Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Beatrice WEBB Diary (British Library of Political and Economic Science, LONDRES)
- Henry WILLINK Papers (Churchill College, CAMBRIDGE)
- Lord WOOLTON Papers (Bodleian Library, OXFORD)
[N.B. Là encore, certains de ces documents sont ou seront prochainement disponibles sur microfilm ou sur CD-ROM : les CHAMBERLAIN Papers viennent par exemple de sortir en microfilm. Contacter Primary Source Media Ltd, 50 Milford Road, READING RG 1 8LJ. ( 2 0118 957 7213 ; 2 0 118 957 7213 ; e-mail :]
dernière mise à jour 4/06/03
introduction Sources primaires
La Grande-Bretagne en guerre table des matières