Lad Panek,
Reading Early Hammett: A Critical Study of
the Fiction Prior to The Maltese Falcon (Jefferson
& London: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2004,
$35.00, 219 pages, ISBN 0786419628)—J. A. Zumoff, Tecnológico de Monterrey - Campus Sta. Catarina
Dashiell Hammett is largely remembered as the author
of the Maltese
Falcon (1930), which helped turn detective fiction
into literature, as Raymond Chandler acknowledged
in “The Simple Art of Murder” (1944). More knowledgeable
readers might recall Hammett’s other novels, including
Red Harvest
(1929), The
Dain Curse (1929), The
Glass Key (1931) and the Thin Man (1934), but Hammett’s earlier
work, as a contributor to Black
Mask and Smart
Set magazines, is usually, even if acknowledged,
rarely analyzed, except as a precursor to the Falcon. Many of these stories are unavailable,
but others can be found in several collections, or,
in some cases, on the Internet.
Leroy Lad Panek, however, sets out to analyze these
earlier works, and not just as roughs drafts of the
Maltese Falcon, but as important works in themselves. In his preface,
he criticizes the tendency to read Hammett “backwards”
and argues that “all readers […] would benefit from
reading Hammett starting from the beginning rather
than the end and from a clearer, more accurate vision
of what he actually wrote before he created Sam Spade
and before hard-boiled writers became a school” [3].
Reading Early
Hammett, therefore, looks at this early writing,
dividing it roughly into four periods, each with its
own chapter: Hammett’s first writings for magazines;
his Continental Op stories for Black
Mask; the novels based on the Op character; and
the final Op stories. In addition, Panek adds a short
conclusion, and a comprehensive chronological listing
of Hammett’s early writing (usefully including both
the original publication data and reprint information,
if any).
As such, Reading
Early Hammett fulfils a useful, if narrow, purpose.
Die-hard Hammett fans will undoubtedly enjoy this
book, and scholars should find it an important addition.
However, there are some features that limit the book’s
utility; some of these are probably inherent in this
type of work, but others seem avoidable. Panek, especially
in the chapter on Hammett’s first magazine writing,
too often seems to just offer a short summary of a
story, and then a quick analysis. Without the story
at hand, this makes the book at times read as if would
more appropriately serve as an introduction to a comprehensive
collection of Hammett stories rather than a stand
alone volume. More seriously, there seems to be little
overarching analysis of these early stories, and the
reader is left wondering about their relationship
to one another and about Hammett’s development as
a writer.
Several themes are touched upon. From his first, very
short, published piece, Hammett made extensive use
of irony, satire and sarcasm, including sudden, surprise
endings. The author does mention this several times,
but the importance of this in Hammett’s work is not
really analyzed in any depth. And, given Panek's emphasis
on not discussing the
Falcon, the reader is left hanging as to
the relations between Hammett’s tendency towards irony
and satire and, say, the supreme irony found in his
most famous novel.
This section, while the book’s weakest, does succeed
in some aspects. Panek shows the sheer variety of
Hammett’s early works, arguing that Hammett did not
originally set out to be a detective writer. In fact,
while detective stories were the largest single category
of early Hammett stories, “sex stories” (i.e., those
about relationships, not necessarily about sex per
se), adventure stories, criminal stories, and even
westerns, found their place in Hammett’s early oeuvre.
Unfortunately, while a number of these show talent,
as a whole, they are not very good.
Oftentimes these stories seem most valuable when read
as precursors to Hammett’s later works. Thus, “The
Assistant Murderer” (1926), the last private detective
story Hammett wrote before the Maltese Falcon, reads like
a preliminary draft of the Falcon.
As Panek writes, the one thing Hammett did not adopt
from this story in the Maltese Falcon was the actual plot; they involve similar devices and twists,
including a private detective who cannot trust his
client. And “Nightmare Town” (1926), in which the narrator stumbles
upon an isolated Western town only to discover that
nothing is as it appears and the entire city is corrupt,
seems to have been the spiritual, if not narrative,
inspiration of Red
Harvest. While Panek links both of these stories
(and others) to Hammett’s later work, this seems to
be done in a superficial manner, and the reader is
left wondering how and why Hammett developed into
a better writer.
Far stronger is the second chapter, on the Continental
Op. From 1923 to 1927, Hammett wrote 24 tales involving
the nameless operative of Continental detective agency,
and all but one of the stories was published in Black
Mask, which were obviously modeled on Hammett’s
own experiences as an agent of the Pinkertons. Panek
argues that these stories marked a fundamental shift
in Hammett’s style: he dropped his slapstick irony,
changed his portrayal of the police, as well as began
introducing criminal and police slang into the stories.
Panek raises some interesting questions, although he
does not always answer them. For example, there is
the question of how Hammett treats the police. According
the Panek (who is credited on the back cover as having
recently written The
American Police Novel), Hammett’s views of the
police underwent a dramatic change. “Hammett isn’t
very nice to the police” in his early fiction, and
often “the cops are not only disagreeable looking,
but they also arrest the wrong person” [85]. However,
by the time of the Continental Op, “Hammett changed
the way he portrayed cops dramatically, because he
knew better” [86]. In fact, Panek argues that Hammett,
unique among his contemporary crime writers, “treated
police officers with respect at a time when they received
very little” [93]. However, this changed in Red
Harvest, where he describes a “police force possessed
of every vice associated with the profession” [130].
In fact, in that novel, the police play the role of
a rival criminal syndicate. And although Panel does
not deal with The Maltese Falcon, in that novel Sam Spade certainly has a rather
cynical view of the police. Yet, the biggest gap in
this analysis is any attempt to explain why Hammett’s
perspective may have changed, and changed so dramatically.
Panek suggests that Hammett’s “attitudes toward policemen
and the police in the first run of Op stories reflect
directly on Hammett’s personal experience” as a Pinkerton
operative, given the fact that “Pinkerton operatives
cooperated with the police” [95-96]. However, Panek
never examines how Hammett’s relationship with his
own experience as a Pinkerton changed dramatically
as well. Thus Hammett, by the mid- to late-1930s had
moved from a cadre of one of the most notorious (and
among many unionists, despised) strike-breaking and
anti-labor organizations, to a sympathizer of the
American Communist Party, and, in the 1950s, a left-wing
political prisoner when he refused to co-operate with
the McCarthy investigations. However, in general,
Panek does not examine the political or social context
of Hammett’s writings—nor does he provide much literary
context: the reader is left wondering how Hammett’s
early stories compared to other Black
Mask authors of the same period.
There are other, more minor, problems. Perhaps the greatest
is a tendency to not engage with other critics of
Hammett, except at times in very cursory dismissals
(see p. 2 or p. 122 for example). There is also a
tendency to use the same excerpts more than once:
even though each use is appropriate in itself, the
overall effect is needlessly repetitive. There are
also a number of typos that, while not too serious,
probably should have been caught in draft form. For
example, the very useful chronological listing of
all of Hammett’s stories includes his “Green Elephant”
(October 1923) as from two different issues of The
Smart Set and once from an anthology. In general,
however, this book should be very useful for those
already familiar with Hammett, but less useful for
those new to his early work.