Cercles : AN Interdisciplinary JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES

Editiorial Policy



Cercles publishes fully open access articles, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication. Non-commercial use and distribution in any medium is permitted, provided the author and the journal are properly credited.


Cercles welcomes articles on the social and cultural practices of the English-speaking world: literature, linguistics, history, politics, sociology, anthropology, esthetics… It offers a variety of perspectives, involving gender, ethnicity, ideology, and theory. We encourage submissions in English and French, but also any other language, provided a translation is submitted in either French or English.

No manuscript will be considered if it is concurrently under consideration by another journal or is soon to be published elsewhere. However, the editors might consider publishing previously printed material, provided the original publisher has granted one-time printing rights to Cercles. Articles published in Cercles may not be published elsewhere unless permission is granted by Cercles.

Authors are encouraged to submit relevant graphics (photographs, maps, charts, line drawings, cartoons) with the manuscript. Author are responsible for obtaining written permission to publish any copyrighted material


It is the policy of Cercles to enable, and even to encourage and initiate the publication of special issues. The following are preparation and publication guidelines for Guest Editors.

Preparing a Proposal

Guest Editors should prepare a proposal for the Special Issue and submit this to Cercles for approval. The proposal should contain the following information:

Tentative title for the Special Issue A one‐page outline summarising the objectives of the Special Issue Tentative time schedule List of potential contributions (typically 8 to 10 articles)

If there are several guest editors involved in a special issue, one Guest Editor will act as corresponding editor.
Inviting Authors

It is the Guest Editors' role to select authors and invite them to submit papers for the special issue which are of the highest quality in terms of scholarship and presentation. They should also ensure that all articles submitted conform to the editorial and publication policies of Cercles. Each manuscript submitted must be original, not published formally elsewhere, and must be peer reviewed.


Articles must either be submitted in Microsoft Word, or Rich Text Format (RTF). They must be double-spaced, and they must adhere to MLA style.
Contributions should generally be six thousand to eight thousand words in length (two thousand to two thousand and two hundred signs per page). The editors are the final arbiters of length, grammar and usage. Manuscripts will not be returned.

Submit your articles / editorial project


Although most
Cercles book reviews are solicited, the book review editor will consider unsolicited reviews. The reviewed work should appear at the head of the review using the following citation guidelines (in that order): full title, author, place of publication, publisher, year, price, number of pages, ISBN or ISSN. Reviews should be between six thousand and twelve thousand signs — spaces not included (1100 words minimum). Please avoid notes. Please indicate the page number when you quote from the book.

Submit your book review


Materials published in
Cercles are copyrighted. The name and logo are copyrighted by Cercles. The articles are copyrighted by Cercles. Articles appearing in the journal become the property of the journal. By submitting any material to Cercles, you grant the journal a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, unrestricted, worldwide license to use, copy, adapt, modify, transmit, publicly perform or display any such material and to sublicense to third parties the unrestricted right to exercise any of the foregoing rights granted with respect to the material.